Monday, April 13, 2009

How Amazing!!

So I have re-entered the land of the living for the second day in a row! PRAISE GOD! A little queasy here and there, but I'll take it. It's NOTHING in comparison to last week. So I decided to sit down and check up on my blogs that I follow and two really hit me. My sisters and my friend Denae's. They both posted such powerful videos I challenge you to watch them and not be touched. The first is the intro to the church service at my sisters church, Elevation. Denae's video is of cardboard testimonies. Some of you may have already seen this video, but I think it is so worth seeing again. Just watching those left me speechless. They remind me of what our Lord did for us on the cross and continues to do for us everyday and how I take it for granted. As I have said before the Lord has taught me so much through our journey to having this baby and I get so frustrated at how fast I forget His lessons sometimes. So often I let my circumstances direct my day, how I feel, how I think, and even how I respond to the Lord. I forget the simple lesson of "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Because he trusts you" Isaiah 26:3. I admit on these tough prego days my mind is not stayed on Him, and I wonder why I feel like I'm losing my mind. I become so focused on myself and loose focus on the gift I have in this baby and in my relationship with the Lord. Anyway, I could go on but I will stop there and just say a big Thank You to everyone who speaks into my life. Thank you to those who don't hide your faith and present me with things like these videos to give me little reminders. How much better off would his world be if we all spoke with boldness and passion about or Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How much better if we put our selfish desires and wants aside and asked the Lord every morning, "What would you have me do?" Instead of "Here's my list of things I'm doing today, bless it please." Lord, help me to keep my focus always on you, no matter the day, my circumstances, my surroundings, my struggles, my emotions. I love you Lord!!

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