Saturday, April 25, 2009

Devine Revelation...

So it's been a little while since my last post and I have good reason. My best friends have been the toilet, trashcan (when the toilet is too far away), and my bed. Yes the nausea of pregnancy still haunts me... or does it??? I had a Dr. appointment on Thursday and found, hopefully, a light at the end of my tunnel. After finding that I had lost another 4 lbs it was time for Dr. Devine and I to have a little chat. She believes that the nausea I'm having now isn't necessarily pregnancy related. She thinks that since I have been so nauseated and thrown up so much that I have really torn up my stomach and G.I. tract. She said she wouldn't be surprised to find a stomach ulcer if we looked. Her first suggestion was a 48hr stay at the hospital to give me a little boost, and give my stomach a rest and a chance to recover. That was also the more expensive rout, so we opted for the at home treatment. I have gone in the past two mornings for a shot of phenargan *OUCH* home to sleep for about 4 hrs. up to take some prescription strength antacid and then stay away from food until I'm really hungry. The goal is DO NOT THROW UP!! We are really trying to give my stomach a rest. So Wed. and Thurs. I had a handful of mashed potatoes and by Friday evening I WAS HUNGRY!! I was able to eat a toasted turkey sandwich, 1/2 a graham cracker and lots of poweraid. IT STAYED DOWN!! Oh the little things that get me excited. So today is the real test. I'm trying to go without the phenargan shot and just do the antacid and still stay away from food until my stomach asks for it. If I can get through the days w/o the shot I don't have to sleep half the day away, though if it doesn't work, believe me, I will do WHATEVER it takes to get over this hump. I'm not sure why but it helps to know it's probably a GI issue and not the baby/hormones anymore causing the nausea. So please be in prayer for me that we can round this corner and I can begin to really enjoy this pregnancy. I will do my best to keep you posted on our progress.


Anonymous said...

WOW girl! That's awful what you are going through! I really hope what you are doing works. I was so blessed with no nausea during my preg. But I did have a couple gall bladder attacks after I had Michael. ended up having to get that out. BUT I'd do that all over again than deal with what you're doing!!I'll be praying for you! I sure hope the rest of your preg goes better!

Erin said...

I'm so sorry you've had such a difficult time, Wendy! I'll be in prayer for you that this is the end of the worst part.
Can't you take phenargan in a pill form?