Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas from Charlotte

Just a quick video of what I've been up to this last week while celebrating Jesus' birth. I'll fill you in on some details later. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hi, So it's Jake here. I decided I would blog for Mommy today because she stays pretty busy and can't seem to keep this blog updated. So I'm now TWO MONTHS OLD. Mommy says that's a lot and that time is going way too fast. Mommy also tells me how handsome I am every morning and how I change so much from day to day.

So here is what I've been doing this past month...

I got to see my first snow. Mommy wouldn't take me out to play in it though...

I took a Nap in my crib for the first time...

Mommy said I've gotten to big for the basinett. Now I'm sleeping in the pack-n-play. (Mommy still isn't ready for me to sleep in my room at night yet)

My clothes were getting too tight so I moved up into size 3mo. I'm pretty big!! Up to 12.2 lbs and 22 3/4" long

I made my first trip to Mesquite and Grand Prairie to visit my Bacci and Grandpa and Gammie and Grandad. The car ride was okay I guess... as long as the car was moving. We got stuck in something called traffic, and I didn't like that much. I got very upset. Mommy finally got out of the car and got into the back seat with me. That made me feel better. I finally fell asleep and slept the rest of the way.

I got to hang out with My Bauchi and Grandpa in Mesquite (That's Daddy's family)

I got to meet Aunt Connie and Aunt Michelle... and a lot more of Daddy's family.

We hung out with most of Daddy's family for Thanksgiving... some of my cousins were missing though. I hope I get to meet them soon.

I was full after my Thanksgiving meal...

Mommy & Daddy took me to go listen to Aunt Merry play her harp at Grapevine Mills Mall... I LOVE it when she plays her harp.

I really like to lie on the floor and kick my feet. Mommy says I'm riding a bicycle.

Last, I want to tell you what I'm Thankful for.. since it was Thanksgiving. I'm Thankful of course for my Mommy and Daddy. They both take really good care of me. I have a hard time taking my eyes off of Daddy when he gets home from work. I think that is my favorite part of the day. I'm thankful for the warm blankie that Mommy and Daddy swaddle me in when I sleep. It makes me sleep really good. I'm thankful for my swing and bouncy seat, but most of all, I'm thankful for my best friend, Mr. Octopus. We have good conversations... and he is always happy to see me!!

I hope you have enjoyed my post. Mommy says she will try and do better at updating this blog thingy... what kind of word is blog anyway?? Hmm.. well, I think it's time for me to go to bed. g'nite everyone!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jake's Favorite Music

So some of you have asked about the Harp CD that Jake enjoys listening to. You can purchase one by going to the Dream Baby website. Merry has several CD's to choose from. They are all amazing.. and I'm not just saying that because she is my sister-in-law :o)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Oh my goodness, Jake is almost 7 weeks old! I can't believe how fast the time is going. I must say these have been the best 6 1/2 weeks EVER! This is the greatest job. I'm so glad I don't have to miss even a moment of this precious boys life. (Well, maybe a moment.. Mommy did go shopping with Grammie this weekend and left Jake with the men) I missed him while we were out, but I had a great time and Jake was still in one piece and happy when we got home. Good job Daddy and Grandad! Lets see, what are some of the things Jake is doing at 6 1/2 weeks old...

*He LOVES his play mat!

*He enjoys his swing... look how big he's gotten!! Where's my little baby?

*He likes tummy time

*He thinks he is really big and holds his head up high

*He took his first nap in his crib.. he's starting to outgrow the bassinet :o(

*He LOVES his Aunt Merry's Angel Baby CD (sorry the video is dark.. he was sleeping and didn't want to wake him)

*He is really starting to smile a lot and talk. Of course we never seem to have the camera around to catch those moments. We will get better at that. His favorite time of day is first thing in the morning. He is bright eyed and ready to talk. I LOVE IT... even if it is 5 or 6 a.m. Well, I guess that's the update for now. Jake's been having Daddy time while I've been updating, but I think now he needs Mommy... I hear a hungry boy. Will try to do better at updating, but my days are over in a blink. Just know that Jake is the greatest blessing ever. We know that the Lord has BIG plans for him.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Baby is ONE MONTH OLD!!

I can hardly believe our precious son is ONE MONTH OLD! (Actually one month and 2 days) Jake is such a good baby. More often than not he lets us get in some good rest at night. He is such a happy and STRONG boy. He is already holding his head up with ease and looking around. If you stand him up he will straighten his knees and push himself up. He loves his swing and usually sleeps in it for at least one nap a day. He is starting to smile and talk more and more each day. He loves it when I put him in the stroller and we go for a walk. He is usually asleep before we reach the end of the drive way. I'm going to be sad when the really cold days get here because we won't be taking those walks quite as often.
Jake loves it when Daddy gets home from work. He just watches him and Daddy often gets a grin. G is such an AMAZING Daddy! He really helps out around the house and he is on diaper duty in the middle of the night. I feed and he changes, and at times when baby J decides he wants to be awake, G will stay up with him and let Mommy get some much needed rest. We have been SO EXTREMELY BLESSED by our friends and family this first month. Tonight is the first night we are on our own for dinner. That's right, we have had a meal brought to us every night!! I'm not sure how I have managed to lose any baby weight with all the good grub coming in :o) I think Jake already has more friends than we do.. but we don't mind. On the health front Jake is oblivious that anything is going on with his precious little body. For those who haven't heard the doctors found a "long QT" on an E.K.G. we had done as a follow up from the hospital. Basically what that means is that it takes longer than normal for Jake's heart to relax a then contract again. It's not a heart problem, his heart is strong and healthy, it's a problem with the electrical impulses that control how and when his heart beats. His numbers weren't awful, but they were high enough to cause concern with the cardiologist. He had to be put on a 24 hr. halter monitor (which I think bothered Mommy and Daddy more than it did him) and has been put on Beta blockers to help with the long Q.T. He got blood drawn this week to get some genetic testing done to determine why he has this long Q.T. and to see if it needs to be treated in a way other than the meds he is on now. It's a pretty confusing issue to have. Nothing about the tests or treatment is 100%, of course that is why we are just trusting Jake in the hands of our Lord. We have known from the beginning that Jake is going to do big things for our God, and this is just the enemy trying to thwart those plans... hahaha, he has another thing coming. Jake and this family are fighters!! Let me tell you, we have already learned so much in this one month. For one we are reminded that our faith is in our Lord, Jesus Christ and not in our circumstances. Our faith is in the ONE who can do ultimate healing, and not the doctors. Yes, we know there is a place for doctors and we will heed all they tell us, we just aren't trusting them to "heal" Jake, we are looking to our All Powerful God!! I know that as parents Gerald and I will be challenged, but if it means drawing us and Jake into a closer walk with God, then so be it! We want Jake to be so much more than we will ever be. We want him to know, understand and have a personal relationship with God before we did. We want him to understand the importance of a close relationship with God before we did. We want him to understand that it's not enough to make Christ #1 on your priority list in life, He has to BE your life! That means He is involved in every aspect of your daily living. It's my prayer that as a stay at home mom I can set an example for Jake. I want him to see the Lord in my everyday life. I want him to see that you can praise the Lord while doing house work or read the word while eating breakfast, or you can even watch sermons while folding laundry. I want him to see Christ as the highlight of my day. "Lord help me to be the best example I can for my precious son." Lastly I want Jake to understand that Mommy and Daddy are not perfect. I want him to understand that there will be times we will mess up. There will be times when we make mistakes. There will be times when we may disappoint him. But if he trust in his Heavenly Father, HE will never disappoint, he will never mess up, and he will never make mistakes, HE is perfect!!
So I guess all in all, I think this journey that we are on with his long Q.T. is only the beginning of us seeing how BIG our God is and how He is going to use Jake and his life in BIG ways!! God has entrusted us with such a precious, precious gift! Speaking of that precious gift, he is waking up from his nap, so I'm going to go get me some loving!! Will keep you updated as I can!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Good Morning Song...

So Jake told me that he wanted to sing a song for everyone this morning. We hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 2...ish

Sorry for delay on the post. Jake met his Nuzum cousins last week it they had a blast. Jake is so cool! G got to take Sat morning and just sit in bed while Wendy got ready for the day. Jake is such a big talker. Enjoy the video below of Jake's friends and family...oh and by the way pics of Jake.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jake's 1st Week

Jake's first shout-out to all his peeps.
Can't believe Jake's been here almost a week! Wendy has been amazing to watch and learn from. His eyes have been open most of the day and he's been trying to figure us out. What a great week! Enjoy below...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Jake arrived last night at 9:09. He was 9 lbs 1 oz and was 20 inches long. He had to spend the night in the nursery to monitor oxygen levels. We got him at 10:15 this morning.
Below are some initial pics.

Jake has arrived

So it's 1:30 in the morning and we're going to try to get some sleep. Jake arrived at 9:09pm. Wendy did great! Jake weighed 9 lbs 1 oz and was 20 in long. My phone died about 15 mins prior to the delivery, so I couldn't send any updates to anyone, nice. Thank you to everyone for your love and prayers. The staff was so helpful. We'll start posting pics tomorrow. I'll also try to post Amber's summary of the day's events. Peace.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

jake's comin

just got to hospital. about to get epidural. sweeeeeet nectar. will post after arrival.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The final countdown...

Wow.. it's been awhile since my last post. I wish I could rattle off this long list of "to do's" that I've been getting done, but really I can't say I have much to show for these last few weeks. Well,except a few more inches around my mid-section. It's crazy how tiring just being can be. Sleep eludes me, comfort... what's that? Anyone seen my toes lately? Note to self.. don't sit and recline in recliner when home alone; may remain there for the duration of the day. A full meal? Not in this tummy.. 5 bites will do me just fine... though I will need to be fed again in about 30 min.
So here I am 37 weeks and 4 days along.. SO VERY READY!! I can't believe the doctors were preparing me to deliver at 35wks and here I sit 17 days away from my due date. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to death to have made it this far. I want Jake to be as healthy as he can be and I know that means baking as long as he can. My concern is his size. Most people just laugh at me when they take one good look and hear that I'm suppose to go until Oct. 12th. Looks like Jake will be a big boy. On the medical side of things all is well. I FINALLY got away from having to be monitored every other day. That was getting quite tiresome. I did enjoy hearing his heartbeat and listening to him move around, but every other day at a doctors office is not my idea of a fun day. I'm now just on my regular weekly checks with my OB. At this point I'm 2cm dilated and about 70% effaced. Still having contractions, but nothing any stronger than I have had. Our bags are packed, the car seat is in the car and we are ready to go when the time arrives. It's crazy to think each morning that this could be my last morning w/o Jake being here. I have been told by many Mommy's to enjoy this peace and quiet while it's here because craziness is about to ensue. I do my best to take each morning as a chance to do just that. Yes, I try and get some form of housework done each day, but I also do my best to get in time to read, and just enjoy the new day the Lord has given me. I find myself daydreaming about what Jake will look like. What his personality will be like, how I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Then I spend a lot of time just watching my belly jump around. I do think that is the part of being pregnant that I will miss... the rest... not so much.
I guess it's about that time to do another belly picture update. I'll try and get G to help me out with that this weekend. Speaking of G... well I can't even go there w/o getting all emotional. Let's just say he is so ready to be a Daddy and so ready to meet his son!! I can't wait!!
Well, it's about time for lunch #2 so I had better go find some grub. Guess this was a lot of rambling, so maybe next time I'll try to write something with a little substance. :o) Either way, hope you enjoyed the update and hope to update with actual pictures of Jake soon. (I know sister.. not until Oct. 1st. I'm doing my best to hold on)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mommy and Daddy Differences...

So here we are 35 wks and 2 days pregnant. Had a doctors appointment today and I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Crazy times!! I remember while we were going through our 4 1/2 year journey to get pregnant (really just waiting on God's perfect timing) I tried to stay positive by saying each day was a day closer to the day we would find out we were going to be parents. It's crazy now to think that each new day is one day closer to the day we will get to hold our precious miracle in our arms... wow.. I can't believe it's so close... yet can feel so far away. Anyway, that isn't even why I decided to post... but decided I should give an update. So.. on to Mommy and Daddy differences. I have to laugh at the different points of view that G and I have. I've asked him several times if he is at all anxious about the labor/delivery etc. His reply... "no, it will be good. I'm excited." Yet the things that I find he is concerned about crack me up. Here are a few of our differences...
Mommy concern: I hope I'm able to nurse/ I hope nursing goes well.
Daddy concern: When Jake is older and he gets up from the dinner table, but then comes back to ask for more.. do we give him more b/c he already said he was done and got up from the table...??
Mommy concern: I hope we have the car seat in good enough.
Daddy concern: I think when Jake is 10 years old we'll buy an old beat up car/truck and spend the next 6 years restoring it together so when he turns 16 he will have a car/truck that he takes pride in.
Mommy concern: Hope I can enjoy every moment b/c I know Jake will grow up so fast.
Daddy concern: So do you think we would put one of those devices in his car that shows when he's gone over 70mph, or how many hard brakes he's had??
Mommy concern: I hope his circumcision heals okay.. they look so painful.
Daddy concern: How will we teach Jake to honor and respect women when they are plastered for everyone to see on TV, magazines, and billboards?

So there are just a few of our "differences". G just makes me laugh all the time when he starts talking about things years down the road when Jake isn't even here yet. Hey, I can't fault the man for being a planner and wanting to be prepared. No matter if he's thinking of the here and now or years down the road I could not ask for a better husband through this entire journey. He has been there for me every step of the way. He's never asked why the house isn't cleaned, or the laundry isn't done. He's never complained when I'm sleeping in until 9 on Sat. and he is out mowing the lawn, cleaning out the garage or putting away the dishes in the dishwasher at 7 on Sat. He has been my rock to stand on and my shoulder to cry on. I know that he is just going to be the greatest Daddy ever!! I can't wait for that moment when I get to see him hold our precious Jake for the first time. Boy is he going to be in trouble :o) I don't think that G, or even myself, have any idea how our worlds are about to change. I can't wait!! We are already crazy in love with our son and we haven't even met him yet.. how is that even possible? Then I ask how can I love him more??... Though I know I have no idea the emotions and love that are going to overtake me the first time I lay eyes on precious Jake. What a little miracle. He will be here before we know it. I can't wait to be able to sit at this computer and post pics and tell stories of our journey as parents. Thanks for going on this journey with us.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

They're baaaack....

So our caterpillar friends are back for another season of eating the passion vine, making cocoons and hatching into beautiful butterflies!! If you live in Lubbock and want to come take a few dozen caterpillars home or know a teacher or someone who might want some just let me know. It's a fun project for kids to see them make their cocoon and then emerge as butterflies. We have PLENTY to spare.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

33 weeks 2 Days Update

Crazy, crazy, crazy!! That pretty much describes things right now :o) Nothing bad to report, Jake and Mommy are doing great! We did have a scare yesterday that caused us to head to antepartum to get monitored. I woke up yesterday morning around 8:15ish, got ready for the day and ate breakfast. By 9:30 or so I noticed that I hadn't felt Jake move at all. This was odd because he's usually very active in the morning after breakfast. I tried real hard not to freak out, but easier said than done. I did everything the doctors tell you to do. Lie on your side and see if he moves 10 times in an hour. Well did that and no movement. So the next step is get up, move around, drink lots of water and lie back down for another hour and see if you can get 10 movements in an hour. So I got up, moved around, did some dishes, drank one of G's dublin Dr. Peppers (It was the only thing with Caffeine we had) and laid back down. This time during the hour I turned my cell phone ringer up on high and put it on my belly, I tried the flashlight to see if he would move away, I talked to him, I played him his snugly that sings Jesus Loves Me, everything. Still no movement. At this time I'm in a puddle of tears in the nursery calling the doctor. Long story short, G came home from work and we headed up to the hospital to get checked out. Of course Jake was fine and about 10 seconds after getting hooked up to the monitor he gave me a real good kick and pretty much kept it going the rest of the day. Needless to say Jake is grounded. G said he doesn't get his first birthday party for this stunt. :o) I promised G that this will be my only freak out and run to the hospital episode... unless I think I'm in labor of course. I know G didn't mind this addition to his day. He just kept reminding me better safe than sorry. I guess what was super frustrating about the whole thing is the fact that I'm already at the doctors office every other day getting monitored. Yeppers... that's right, I get to go get monitored (Non Stress Test) Every other day, including weekends... great fun! I am hoping after next week if there is still no change we can re-evaluate and cut down to just once a week. They're monitoring me so close b/c I have contractions rather consistent 5-7 minutes apart. At times they will spread out to 12-20. So far it hasn't caused me to progress any and Jake is handling them like a champ. Really nothing to be concerned about. Anyway, enough with the details. Each new day that he continues to bake is a blessing!! Each new day is also a day closer to getting to meet him face to face. I can't believe how quickly it will be here.. even if I go to term. I keep telling G that our lives are about to change in a way that no one can prepare us for. It was so crazy yesterday when we had our scare how much I can love my son who I haven't even met yet. I know that love will grow even more when he's placed in my arms for the first time. I can't wait. Well, to add some excitement to the blog I decided it was time for another picture session. I brought G into this one :o) He's such a great sport. I'm rather in shock right now that I'm about to post my bare belly for the world to see, but here it goes. Thanks again for all the encouragement and prayers through this journey. Love you guys!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jake's nursery!!

I wish I could take credit for how precious Jake's nursery is, but really I can't. All I said was that I wanted primary colors and squares to go with his bumper pad. Somehow from that "vision" the very talented Lucilynn put together a room that is more than I could have ever hoped for or imagined. It is my hopes made into reality. Right now Lucilynn is a stay at home Mommy of two. We lived together in Abilene and taught together here in Lubbock. I think if she ever decides she wants to go back to work she needs to do interior design. Maybe I should have titled this post "The Wonderful Lucilynn" :o) Anyway, I have to say it again... WE ARE SO VERY BLESSED!! I just can't get over the amount that people have given us to help prepare for precious Jake's arrival. G and I have really had to buy very little. Grammie and Granddad bought the crib, Nana, Pappa Grandi and the Millers bought us our car seat and stroller travel system. We are borrowing a great swing, and jumping gym from our wonderful friends the Henry's (along with most of Jake's wardrobe), an awesome glider rocker from our friends the Brints, more clothes from the Brewers... the list goes on. Sorry if I've left anyone out. Pretty much all we've bought is the changing table/dresser which we got off of craigslist for a killer deal and the crib bumper! How do we thank you enough?? So many times I stand in awe of what the Lord has brought us through and how He continues to give us more than we deserve. Thank you Jesus for your Grace that you freely give and the blessings that we cannot earn. Thank you that you love us as your children and because of the blood of your son Jesus Christ we can have relationship with you and enjoy the fullness of your presence in our lives. How blessed we are!!
Okay... I could go on and on, but I hope this is just a reminder to those reading this blog and not new information. If it is, get on your knees and start that relationship with our Lord today. You are truly missing out if you don't walk with Him daily!! Love you guys and enjoy the pics of the nursery... though I don't think they do it justice. It is a blessed room and I cannot wait to bring Jake home... well, I can wait, but you know what I mean.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Adventures of Growing a Baby...

So just a quick update on Baby Jake... He's doing wonderful!! Went in for a few tests and screenings today and he passed with flying colors. Can't really say the same for his Mommy. :o) They have been mildly concerned b/c I've been having contractions so they hooked Jake and I up to monitors for about an hour. So I was having contractions about every 5 min. Not really what they wanted to see. The good news is that Jake was handling them WONDERFULLY!! He's a champ. His heart rate was good as was his movements and his reactions to the contractions. They also did a fetal fibronectin screening that shows if I will go into labor in the next two weeks. That test came back negative so that's a very good thing and gives Mommy some good piece of mind. So they went ahead and gave me a shot and prescription to slow down and hopefully stop the contractions. (Brutal side effects, but worth it to keep Jake baking). They also went ahead and gave me a shot to speed up the development of his lungs just in case.
So I'm 31 wks and 4 days along, so these next few weeks will be filled with more monitoring and doctors appointments. I get to go in twice a week from here on out for monitoring and the fetal fibronectin test. I must say that I am so blessed that the Lord worked it out in such a way that I don't have to be working right now. Not sure there is an employer out there that would enjoy letting their employee go twice a week for an hour or more for monitoring plus any other doctor's appointment that may be deemed necessary. It also helps because I can stay off my feet and take it easy as strongly suggested by the doctors. So there you go. That's the Jake update for now.
In other news the nursery is coming along. My wonderful friends Lucilynn and Caty came over today to paint and decorate his room. It looks AMAZING!! I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product. It's more than I could have imagined. It's Lucilynn's brainchild. She is extremely gifted in the area of interior decorating. So she has been able to take my desires and bring them to reality. It should be finished soon!! Did I mention I can't wait??!! We have been telling Jake though, that just because his room is just about done doesn't give him permission to come early. We will see if he listens. Thanks for the prayers and support. There are so many people behind the scenes that are helping us out and making sure I'm taking it easy. We are so incredibly blessed. I can't even put into words. The Lord provides all you need. Whether emotional support, financial support, friends to pray with you, meals to eat.. the Lord provides for it all. I am so undeserving of all He has and continues to give us. Thank you Lord!!

Okay.. so I'll give you a quick sneak peek of the room. I'm not going to explain, you will just have to wait to see it all come together. Did I mention how excited I am??

Monday, August 10, 2009

Trainy Bank...

Just a quick post. The Trainy bank is complete! I'm so excited, I think it turned out super cute. Thanks again to the great suggestions by Daddy Gerald, and Granddad. And thanks to the steady helping hand of Grammie!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

What a Weekend!!

I know Gerald already posted and gave a quick run-down of our crazy weekend, I just thought I would throw in some details. Mom and Dad came in Thursdays evening so they could come with us to our sonogram on Friday morning. It was a lot of fun having them there to see Baby Jake in 3D!! He was being quite camera shy and not really wanting to face the camera so the pictures aren't great but we did get a few. He has the umbilical cord across his nose in the pics. They tell me he is a healthy 3lbs 9oz already and that I need to be prepared for a big baby. I'm taking that with a grain of salt. I've known too many people who were told they were going to have a big baby and the baby came out a pound or more less than what they were told. On other another note I'm having crazy braxton hicks contractions. They checked me and all that fun stuff and did find that my cervix is somewhat short. Not so much that they are majorly concerned but told me to take it easy and not lift anything over 10 lbs. They did go ahead and do a test called a Fetal fibronectin screening. This test, I think, measures a certain hormone that says whether you will be going into labor in the next two weeks. It came back negative.. so that's good, Jake should bake for at least 2 more weeks. I have another sonogram in two weeks to check again to make sure he will continue to bake. As I said the Dr.'s aren't really concerned, just want me to be aware of my body and take it easy. Better safe than sorry!! So here are a few pics of our precious boy. Check out those cheeks and feet!!!

So after the sonogram we got to work on Jake's room. My very talented sister-in-law Connie made Jake a crib skirt and curtains for his room. We got the curtains hung and mom and I used the extra material to make pull backs. It's all coming together so well!! While mom and I did that as G said he and Dad went to work painting our new changing table/dresser. We don't have the drawers back in the table yet b/c we are making sure they are good and dry, but here is the mostly finished product.

Oh.. I almost forgot. One of G's favorite gifts of the weekend came from Jake's Grammie and Granddad... aka my parents. Be sure to note the hat. He is so very proud!!

Lastly... what is a trainy bank you ask?? Well, a piggy bank is a bank in the shape of a pig. So therefore a trainy bank is a bank in the shape of.... that's right, a train. Dad came up with that one. Anyway, we have a place here called the Mud Room. You can go in and buy a clay creation of your choosing, decorate and paint it anyway you want and then they will fire it to make it complete. When it's fired the colors are vibrant and the finish is smooth. It looks like Jake will have a pink "trainy bank" but once it's fired the pink will be a deep red to match his room. I can't wait to pick it up next weekend and see the finished product. Mom and I had a blast doing this together. I think total it took about 5 hours. We got a little carried away in the detail.. but it was worth it. Memories made!!