Friday, October 9, 2009

Jake arrived last night at 9:09. He was 9 lbs 1 oz and was 20 inches long. He had to spend the night in the nursery to monitor oxygen levels. We got him at 10:15 this morning.
Below are some initial pics.


Amy said...

Oh, Wendy. He is adorable!!! (sniff, sniff) I am so glad you're finally able to hold your baby boy, after 9 long months and a night in the nursery! (sniff, sniff) What a precious gift from God. Oh, and you look great! And Gerald is beaming. Congratulations, guys. This is one blessed kid.

Erin said...

Oh my goodness...he is precious! And obviously well-fed! How on earth did that big boy fit in you, Wendy?!
I couldn't help tearing up when I saw the first picture of you holding him and thinking about y'all's journey. God is good.

The Henry's said...

Okay...thanks you guys for the early morning cry!! Why did you have to go and put a video on there... just kidding! I was SOOO honored to get to hold Jake yesterday! What a miracle and answered prayer he is!