Saturday, January 9, 2010


Wow, how time flies!! I can't believe our precious boy is 3 months old. Time goes by so very fast.
This last month has been a blast. He is more awake during the day and such a happy boy. He smiles all the time and enjoys talking and cooing at Mom and Dad. We had a great Christmas and A LOT of travel. Jake was a trooper. It was so much fun being with family and getting to see Jake with his cousins up in NC. Christmas meant so much more to me this year than it ever has. To imagine that God willingly brought his only son into the world to die for our sins.... well, I can't imagine. Looking at sweet Jake I had to weep for Mary, to think of being the Mom to the savior of the world. Then to see your son eventually crucified on a cross. To be The Father and Allowing your son to be crucified for others that were/are so unworthy! I can't even explain the emotions that came over me. We are so blessed!!

So now that Christmas is over and we are back home and getting back into the swing of things, we are in the process of giving up the swaddle by swaddling with one arm out. So far Jake is doing pretty good, but gets really frustrated b/c he just can't seem to get his thumb in his mouth. We have him on a paci, but I think he prefers his hand... if only he could get it to cooperate with him. Along with moving on from the swaddle we are also in the process of moving him into his own room to sleep at night. This is not an easy move for Mommy, but we know it's what is best for Jake. The longer we wait, the more he will realize that his bed isn't next to Mom and Dad anymore. I would rather make the move now when it's harder on Mom than wait until it becomes harder on him.

Jake changes more and more every day. I love being a stay at home Mommy and getting to see every smile, hear every coo, and savor every cuddly moment. He is such a sweet boy!! The last time we weighed him he was up to 14 lbs, of course that was about 2 weeks ago, so I'm sure it's even more now. I have already had to clean out his closet and drawers of his newborn and 0-3 mo clothes.

He is on a pretty good schedule these days, but I've heard that I shouldn't get too excited b/c it will change soon. Either way, as it stands now it looks a little like this...

7:00 - 7:30: Wake up for the day
9:00 - 9:30: Down for first nap
11:00 - 11:30: Up from nap
1:00 - 1:30: Down for second nap
3:00 - 3:30: Up from nap
5:00 - 5:30: Down for short third nap
5:30 - 6:00: Up from nap
7:20ish - Start bedtime routine (Bath/Lotion & PJ's/Read/Eat/Pray)
8:00: Bedtime
He is usually just waking up once in the night to eat.

So now to see some evidence of all our little boy is doing. Enjoy the videos. Some are long, but of course I can listen to him coo and "talk" all day long. It's music to a Mother's ears.

He has found his voice...

He loves his bath...

He still LOVES talking to Mr. Octopus

He thinks he is really big and likes to stand up.

This next is just a slide show to see how cute he is... I'm not partial or anything ;o) You will see how he likes to try and get his entire fist in his mouth, you will see how blowing bubbles is a favorite past time. You will also see how cool him and Daddy are together with their faux-hawks. Finally you will see his new friend Ellie that was born just two days after Christmas. She is a tiny little beauty weighing in at only 5 lbs 14 oz. She and Jake will be good friends. ENJOY!

Oh yeah, and you will see that he has turned into our little red-head. LOVE IT!!


Tonya said...

The boys and I got so tickled at those videos!! Love it! Joshua says the last one is his favorite b/c he has a "faux hawk" today too. Caleb says, "I love you baby Jake!" and so do the rest of us!!

Erin said...

Morgan and I had fun watching them, too! What a sweet boy! It's fun to read all the wonders that you discover with a new baby. And I loved how your had the wash cloth so strategically placed in the bathtub. ;)