Friday, January 28, 2011

Silly, Sick Boy.....

So our boy has been sick the past few days. I think it's always harder on Mom and Dad than it is on Jake-Man. He's had a fever around 101, but no other symptoms. It hasn't slowed him down one bit though. Since we couldn't really go anywhere, we were both getting a little cabin fever and STIR CRAZY! So Mommy busted out the crayons and brown rice... yep, brown rice.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Owen loves to dig in a tub of rice!!! We haven't done it in awhile. Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to pick up a bag today just to play in!

He's adorable, Wendy. I love that I get to watch him grow up! I love that I still have my high school bestie, too! :)