Monday, December 13, 2010

All BOY Oh BOY!!

Yep, that's Jake, ALL BOY!! He has become a rock collector, a ball thrower, a soccer player, and a stunt man. I think I've already mentioned his fascination with rocks and how we can't go on a walk without coming home with one... or two. It seems the bigger he gets, the bigger his rocks get. We've been able to take a lot of walks since it's still 70 degrees here (Winter..what??)

Next, his kicking skills.  This is what he will look like when he's 4 yrs old playing on his soccer team.....

Now his balancing skills.  Such a little daredevil!!

Mr. Independent.... he still LOVES to eat and now prefers if we let him do it himself...  Mom and Dad have to take over and speed things up at times. 

How much do you love Mommy???

Finally just some great Christmas pictures....
An amazing family from church fix their backyard up like the Griswold's every year for kiddos to visit.  It's inflatable decorations complete with fun Christmas music and peppermint sticks.  Jake LOVED his first peppermint stick! He had SO much fun.  Though it's 70 degrees during the day the nights are still cold.  It didn't phase our J-Man ONE BIT! He could have stayed out there all night.  Isn't he a cutie!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm certainly jealous of your 70-degree days. I miss TX winters!!! He is adorable. LOVE that reindeer suit!