Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Apple Orchard

Jake LOVES his apples!!  Grammie and Granddad came for a visit and we decided to take a trip out to the apple orchard to eat some yummy BBQ and pick some fresh apples.  YUMMMMMY!!  We had a lot of fun.  Jake really enjoyed the trip.  I think he might have out eaten us all.  He had a little off of every one's plates; brisket, pinto beans, pinto beans and more pinto beans, potato salad, fresh fruit, and cottage cheese.  Pretty much as long as there is food on the table, Jake is ready to eat.  We are in serious trouble when this boy is a teenager if he keeps eating the way he does!
So after lunch we headed out into the orchard for some apple pickin'.  If  you have never had an apple straight off the tree, you are missing out!!  You will have a hard time ever going back to store bought apples.  We picked a lot of apples and bought a couple of jars of their apple butter and sweet potato butter.  Mmmmmmm...!!!!!
We gave Jake an apple fresh from the tree to hold.  He played with it the entire time.  It wasn't until we headed home that he realized that this "red ball" tasted pretty good.  He WENT TO TOWN on that apple.  It was amazing how he was able to eat that apple with his 5 teeth (two on the bottom and three on the top).  We did keep a close eye to make sure he didn't get off any big pieces. 
All in all we had a great time and ended up with some Yummy (healthy) homemade apple bread when we got home!

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