Last weekend we stayed pretty busy out and about. We went out to the Apple Orchard in Idalou for the Apple Butter Festival. Jake had a BLAST!
Playing in the corn field with his BFF Ellie
Cruising down the bounce house slide,
picking apples
Eating Apples
Sharing Apples
And just having fun.
... oh, and his favorite, jumping off the hay bales
Fun was had by all!!
This was also the anniversary for 9-11, so we took Jake out to the memorial they put up every year. It's overwhelming to be out there and think of all the men and women, past/present/future who have fought and even given their lives for OUR freedom. I hope we can raise Jake in a way that he appreciates the history that has brought us to where we are today.
Jake loves to go and feed ducks at the nearby parks.
There are a ton of other shenanigans I could show you and write about, but my time has run out. I hope you have enjoyed this update. It's hard to believe my next post will probably be about his SECOND BIRTHDAY!!